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Privacy Policy

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Política de Privacidade

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Privacy Policy


The privacy of our customers and employees is one of the pillars of Marlagos, S.A.’s privacy policy. This policy applies exclusively to the collection and treatment of personal data performed by Marlagos, S.A. within its activity.

Please read this privacy policy carefully because by accessing our website or using our services, the provision of your personal data implies knowledge and acceptance of the conditions here included.

Who is responsible for the collection and treatment of data?

Marlagos, S.A. is responsible for the collection and treatment of personal data, and it may, within its activity, outsource the activities mentioned to subcontracted entities.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information, of any nature and independent of its form, including sound and image, referring to a single identified or identifiable person. A person is considered identifiable if he/she may be identified directly or indirectly, namely through reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of his/her physical, physiological, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.

Which personal data is collected and treated?

Marlagos, S.A. collects and treats the following personal data, among other: name, surname, postal code, birth date, e-mail address, telephone or mobile phone number, gender, address, number of children, fiscal identification number, family unit, marital status, profession, schooling, credit card details and IBAN.

How is your data collected?

Personal data can be collected through the following manners:

  1. E-mail
  2. Website
  3. Telephone calls
  4. In person
  5. Through apps installed in mobile devices

The data collected is processed and stored in computers and following the strict fulfilment of the personal data protection legislation, being stored in specific databases, created for the effect by Marlagos, S.A. or by the entities by it contracted.

What is the purpose of the collected data?

The collected data will integrate the personal data files that Marlagos, S.A. may use to pursue the following purposes:

  1. Recruitment and selection;
  2. Contact list;
  3. Promotion of events / invitations;
  4. Suggestions and complaints;
  5. Check in and check out;
  6. Publicity in our media;
  7. Invoicing;
  8. Information to employees;
  9. Information to customers;
  10. Video surveillance;
  11. Fulfilment of other legal obligations.

What are the grounds for the treatment of your data?

Treatment of data associated to items b) Contact list, c) Promotion of events / invitations, f) Publicity in our media, i) Information to customers are based on our consent.

Treatment of data associated to purposes a) Recruitment and selection are based on the contractual relation between yourself and the company.

Treatment of data associated to purposes d) Suggestions and complaints, e) Check in and check out, g) Invoicing, h) Information to employees, j) Video surveillance and k) Fulfilment of other legal obligations are based on the fulfilment of legal obligations.

With whom is your data shared? 

The data collected and retained by Marlagos, S.A. may be shared with the following entities, respecting the duty of confidentiality and the principle of the purpose that led to its collection:

a)Judicial or administrative authorities, in the cases where the transfer is compulsory ;

b)Subcontractors that will proceed with the treatment of the data on behalf of Marlagos, S.A. and according to the purposes by it determined. 


"Cookies" are files or excerpts of information stored by their browsers on their computer's hard drive. When revisiting our site, the server (which stores the details of our site) will recognize previous visitors and will verify the personal information left in such "cookies". Most browsers are prepared to accept "cookies". If you wish, you can program your computer to reject "cookies" or warn you when they are being sent. The refusal to accept "cookies" from the site you are visiting may make it impossible to access certain areas of the site or receive personalized information. We are constantly endeavouring to improve our websites and this is why we measure the effectiveness of our presence through the contents being visited. Information about your computer such as its IP address (a number which is allocated to your computer whenever using the Internet) and type of browser and operating system used may be collected. These are only used to ensure that our sites are user-friendly for visitors and are an effective information resource (non-personal information).

What are your rights?

In the terms of the Personal Data Protection Law, we guarantee the right to access, update, correct, eliminate, transfer and delete your personal data.

We also confer the right to oppose the use of optional data for marketing purposes, for informative communication or for inclusion in lists of informative services. If you have not exercised this right upon the collection of data, you may send a subsequent request.

You will also have the right to present a complaint to the control authority, the CNPD.

The exercise of these rights must be made through the following e-mail addresses: Marina de Lagos - marlagos@marlagos.pt; Condominium Administration Department - condomínios@marlagos.pt; Marina Club hotel - marinaclub@marinaclub.pt, or to address: Marina de Lagos - Edifício da Administração, 8600-315 Lagos, Portugal. 

How long is your data stored for?

The period of time during which the data is stored and kept varies according to the purpose by which the information is treated. Whenever there isn’t a specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum necessary period for the purposes that motivated its collection or subsequent treatment, after which they will be eliminated.

Is your data treated in a secure manner?

Marlagos, S.A. assumes the commitment of guaranteeing the protection of the security of your data. For this, it has adopted several technical and organizational security measures, in order to protect the personal data made available against dissemination, loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorized treatment or access, as well as against any other manner of illicit treatment. Marlagos, S.A. demands from its subcontractors and partners the adoption of equivalent security measures to the ones it practices.

Notwithstanding the security measures adopted by Marlagos, S.A., the user must adopt additional security measures, namely assuring he/she uses up to date equipments and browser, in what regards security, adequately configured, with an active firewall, antivirus, anti-spyware, and verify the authenticity of the websites visited on the Internet, avoiding websites whose reputation is not trusted.


Marlagos, S.A. recognizes that it may communicate users’ data within processes of merger, acquisition and/or incorporation it may be involved in, this communication not considered as a transferal of data to third parties, nor any subcontracted treatment will exist.

Marlagos, S.A. may also transmit data to third parties within investigations, enquiries and judicial and/or administrative processes or of similar nature, if it dully commanded to by judicial and/or police order.

Data transferal

In case there may happen to be transferal of data to third party countries, not belonging to the European Union or to the European Economic Area, Marlagos, S.A. will comply with the law, namely in what concerns the adequacy of the destination country in regards to personal data protection and to the requisites applicable to these transferals. Personal data will not be transferred to jurisdictions that do not offer guarantees of security and protection.

Changes to the privacy policy

The current privacy policy may be changed with undetermined frequency therefore we recommend its regular consultation. The last update of the current privacy policy is dated from May, 23rd, 2018